Sunday, February 1, 2009


this is stephen. he go to gelndale community college. he is smarter than jeff. he films tricks with all his heart. he tries the hardest tricks htat he can do. and some day he lands it. one time he left the apartment and didnt tell jeff where he was going. jeff didnt care though but ryan asked"where is stephen?". i said he was out living his life somewhere just like into the wild the movie. he has facial hair.he also lived in thailand with asians. one time stephen was at a party and he got wasted. he was so drunk that he puked on john robs girlsfirend. then i stayed at the party jeff i am and met a girl. well i fell in love. then stpehen found krewtoons and they were ranch flavor. he loves that shit so much. wel it 7 30 am in the morning and everyones at phills house wasted. we party harder than ryan shekler and his mom fucking his little brother and best frinend john or whatever his name is or whatefr.

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